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2015 Journal Papers

2017/02/26 20:56:11   点击:


151.  D.T. Chong, X.S. Liu, H.J. Ma, G.Y. Huang, Y.L. Han, X.Y. Cui, J.J. Yan, F. Xu, Advances in Generating Double-Emulsion and Their Biomedical Applications, Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 2015  Full Text 

150. 贾竞,林敏,徐峰,曹小杉,表面热冲击下脆性材料半空间不同方位裂纹的临界长度,应用数学和力学,2015,183-190

149. L. Wang, B.Q. Li, F. Xu, X.Y. Shi, D.M. Feng, D.Q. Wei, Y. Li, Y.J. Feng, Y.M. Wang, D.C. Jia, Y. Zhou, High-yield Synthesis of Strong Photoluminescent N-doped Carbon Nanodots Derived from Hydrosoluble Chitosan for Mercury Ion Sensing via Smartphone APP, Biosensors and Bioeletronics, 2015, 79, 1-8 Full Text 

148.  Y.F. Ma, Y. Ji, G.Y. Huang, K. Ling, X.H. Zhang#, F. Xu#, Bioprinting 3D Cell-Laden Hydrogel Microarray for Screening Human Periodontal Ligament Stem Cells Response to Extracellular Matrix, Biofabrication, 2015, 7(4), 044105 Full Text 

147.  F.S. Liu, C.H. Li, S.B. Liu, G.M. Genin, G.Y. Huang, T.J. Lu#, F. Xu#, Effect of Viscoelasticity on Skin Pain Sensation, Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters, 2015, 5(6), 222-226 Full Text 

146.  M. Shi, K. Ling, K.W. Yong, Y.H. Li, S.S. Feng, X.H. Zhang, B. Pingguan-Murphy, T.J. Lu, F. Xu#, High-Throughput Non-Contact Vitrification of Cell-Laden Droplets Based on Cell Printing, Scientific Reports, 2015, 17928 Full Text 

145.  Y.H. Li, X. Li, L. Zheng, L. Wang, X.H. Zhang, F. Xu#, Polyacrylamide/GelMA hydrogel templates for MCF-7 cancer cell spheroids fabrication, Journal of Nanotechnology in Engineering and Medicine, 2015 Full Text 

144.  M. Lin, Y. Gao, F. Hornicek, F. Xu, T. J. Lu, M. Amiji, Z. Duan, Near-infrared Light Activated Delivery Platform for Cancer Therapy, Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 2015, 226, 123-137 Full Text 

143.  A.L. Feng, M. Lin, L.M. Tian, H.Y. Zhu, S. Singamanen, Z.F. Duan, T.J. Lu, F. Xu, Gold Nanorods Surface Plasmon Coupled Emission Enhanced Fluorescence of NaYF4: Yb, Er Using Polyelectrolyte Multilayers as Spacers, RCS Advances, 2015, 5, 76825-76835 Full Text 

142.  X. Li, H. Zhao, C. Qi, Y. Zeng, F. Xu, Y. Du, Direct intercellular communications dominate the interaction between adipose-derived MSCs and myofibroblasts against cardiac fibrosis, Protein & Cell, 2015, 6(10), 735-745 Full Text 

141.  B. Zhao, J. Hu, W. Ren, F. Xu, X. Wu, P. Shi, Z.G. Ye, A new biosensor based on PVDF film for detection of nucleic acids, Ceramics International, 2015, 41, S602-S606 Full Text 

140.  W.H. Wee, Z.D. Li, J. Hu, N. Kadri, F. Xu, F. Li#, B. Pingguan-Murphy#, "Fabrication of dielectrophoretic microfluidic chips using a facile screen-printing technique for microparticle trapping, Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, 2015, 25(10) Full Text 

139.  X.C. He, M. Lin, T.J. Lu, Z.G. Qu#, F. Xu#, Molecular analysis of interactions between PAMAM dendrimer-paclitaxel conjugate and biomembrane, Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 2015, 17(44), 29507-29517 (Journal Cover) Full Text 

138.  Y.H. Li*, C.T. Poon*, M.X. Li, T.J. Lu, B. Pingguan-Murphy, F. Xu#, Chinese noodle inspired muscle myofiber regeneration, Advanced Functional Materials, 2015, 25(37), 5999-6008 (Journal Back Cover; X-MOL盘点:11月化学前沿科研成果精选) Full Text 

137.  G. Zhao, X.H. Zhang#, T.J. Lu, F. Xu#, Recent advances in electrospun nanofibrous scaffolds for cardiac tissue engineering, Advanced Functional Materials, 2015, 25(36), 5726–5738  (Feature Article of AFM; Journal Inside Cover; X-MOL Highlight) Full Text 

136.  X.C. He, M. Lin, F. Li, B.Y. Sha, S.S. Feng, X.H. Shi, Z.G. Qu#, F. Xu#, Coarse-grained molecular dynamics studies of the translocation mechanism of polyarginines across asymmetric membrane under tension, Scientific Reports, 2015, 5, 12808 Full Text 

135.  B. Jin, M. Lin, M. You, Y. Zong, M. Wan, F. Xu, Z. Duan, T.J. Lu, Microbubble Embedded with Upconversion Nanoparticles as Bimodal Contrast Agent for Fluorescence and Ultrasound Imaging, Nanotechnology, 2015, 26(34), 345601 Full Text 

134.  J.R. Choi, R. Tang, S.Q. Wang, W.A.B. Wan Abas, B. Pingguan-Murphy#, F. Xu#, Paper-based Sample-to-Answer Molecular Diagnostic Platform for Point-of-Care Diagnostics, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2015, 74, 427-439 Full Text 

133.  冀垣,马玉菲,徐峰,当3D生物打印技术飞上太空,航天员杂志, 2015, 74, 427-439 Full Text 

132.  S.T. Sanjay, G. Fu, M. Dou, F. Xu, H. Qi, X.J. L., Biomarker detection for disease diagnosis using cost-effective microfluidic platforms, Analyst, 2015, 140, 7062–7081 (Journal Cover)  Full Text 

131.  K.W. Yong, Y.H. Li, G.Y. Huang, T.J. Lu, W.K.Z. Wan Safwani, B. Pingguan-Murphy, F. Xu#, Mechanoregulation of Cardiac Myofibroblast Differentiation: Implications for Cardiac Fibrosis and Therapy, American Journal of Physiology - Heart and Circulatory Physiology, 309(4), H532-542  Full Text 

130.  L. Wang*, Y.H. Li*, B. Chen, S.B. Liu, M.X. Li, L. Zheng, P.F. Wang, T.J. Lu, F. Xu#, Patterning cellular alignment through stretching hydrogels with programmable strain gradients, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2015, 7(27), 15088-15097  Full Text 

129.  Z.D. Li, F. Li#, J. Hu, W.H. Wee, Y.L. Han, B. Pingguan-Murphy, T.J. Lu, F. Xu#, Direct writing electrodes using ball pen for paper-based point-of-care testing, Analyst, 2015, 140(16), 5526-5535 (Journal Back Cover)  Full Text 

128.  Yu Long Han, Hao Liu, Cheng Ouyang, Tian Jian Lu, Feng Xu, Rapid Prototyping of Soft Functional Components for Paper Electronics, Scientific Reports, 2015, 5, 11488 Full Text 

127.  D.Y. Wu*, P.F. Wang*, P. Wu, Q.Z. Yang, F.S. Liu, Y.L. Han, F. Xu, L.Wang, Determination of contact angle of droplet on convex and concave spherical surfaces, Chemical Physics, 2015, 457, 63-69 Full Text 

126.  B.Y. Sha, W. Gao, X.Y. Cui, L. Wang, T.J. Lu, F. Xu#, The potential health challenges of TiO2 nanomaterials, Journal of Applied Toxicology, 2015, 35(10), 1086-1101 Full Text 

125. J.K. Yoon, W.Y. Sim, F. Xu, W.G. Lee Effect of a microwave warming of cell culture media on cell viability and confluence rate, Microsystem Technologies, 2015, 1-7 Full Text 

124.  Q.C. Zhang, X.H. Yang, P. Li, G.Y. Huang, S.S. Feng, C. Shen, B. Han, X.H. Zhang, F. Jin, F. Xu#, T.J. Lu#, Bioinspired Engineering of Honeycomb Structure - Using Nature to Inspire Human Innovation, Progress in Materials Science, 2015, 74, 332-400 (Most Downloaded) Full Text 

123  M.W. Dou, S.T. Sanjay, M. Benhabib, F. Xu, X.J. Li, Low-cost bioanalysis on paper-based & its hybrid microfluidic platforms, TALANTA, 2015, 145, 43–54 Full Text 

122.  B.Q. Li, L. Wang, F. Xu, X.M. Gang, U. Demirci, D.Q. Wei, Y. Li, Y.J. Feng, D.C. Jia, Y. Zhou, Hydrosoluble, UV-Crosslinkable and Injectable Chitosan for Patterned Cell-laden Microgel and Rapid Transdermal Curing Hydrogel in Vivo, Acta Biomaterialia, 2015, 22, 59-69 (Most Downloaded in past 90 days) Full Text 

121.  K.W. Yong, W.K.Z. Wan Safwani, F. Xu, W.A.B. Wan Abas, J.R. Choi, B. Pingguan-Murphy, Cryopreservation of human mesenchymal stem cells for clinical applications: current methods and challenges, Biopreservation and Biobanking, 2015, 13(4), 231-239  Full Text 

120.  凌楷,黄国友,刘俊聪,张晓慧,马玉菲,卢天健#,徐峰#,基于细胞打印的三维MCF-7乳腺癌细胞球高通量构建研究, 2015, 1(2), 269-274 Full Text 

119.  K. Ling, G.Y. Huang, J.C. Liu, X.H. Zhang, Y.F. Ma, T.J. Lu#, F. Xu#, Bioprinting-based high-throughput fabrication of three-dimensional MCF-7 human breast cancer cellular spheroids, Engineering, 2015 Full Text 

118.  冯上升,陈玧如,卢天健#,徐峰#,即时检测试纸内渗流理论及流动控制研究进展,渗流力学进展, 2015, 5(2), 16-29 Full Text 

117.  X.H. Zhang, M. Liu, Y.H. Li, Y.Q. Dong, B. Pingguan-Murphy, T.J. Lu, F. Xu#, Engineering Cell Microenvironment using Novel Functional Hydrogels, European Polymer Journal, 2015, 72, 590-601 Full Text 

116.  Y.T. Fan, N.G. Avci, D.T. Nguyen, A. Dragomir, Y.M. Akay, F. Xu, M. Akay, Engineering a high-throughput 3D in vitro glioblastoma model, IEEE Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine, 2015, 3, 4300108 (IEEE News Highlight) Full Text 

115.  K.W. Yong, B. Pingguan-Murphy, F. Xu, W.A.B. Wan Abas, J.R. Choi, S.Z. Omar, M.A.N. Azmi, K.H. Chua, W.K.Z. Wan Safwani, Phenotypic and functional characterization of long-term cryopreserved human adipose-derived stem cells, Scientific Reports, 2015, 5, 9596 Full Text 

114.  L. Wang*, M.S. Qiu*, Q.Z. Yang, Y.H. Li, G.Y. Huang, M. Lin, T.J. Lu, F. Xu#, Fabrication of microscale hydrogels with tailored microstructures based on liquid bridge phenomenon, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2015, 7(21), 11134-11140 (Journal Back Cover) Full Text 

113.  Z.Q. Liu, Z. Wei, X.L. Zhu, G.Y. Huang, F. Xu, J.H. Yang, Y. Osada, M. Zrínyi, J.H. Li, Y.M. Chen, Dextran-based hydrogel formed by thiol-Michael addition reaction for 3D cell encapsulation, Colloids and Surfaces B: Biointerfaces, 2015, 128, 140-148 Full Text 

112.  W.J. Zheng, Z.Q. Liu, F. Xu, J. Gao, Y.M. Chen, J.P. Gong, Y. Osada, In vitro platelet adhesion of PNaAMPS/PAAm and PNaAMPS/PDMAAm double-network hydrogels, Macromolecular Chemistry and Physics, 2015, 216(6), 641-649 Full Text 

111.  Z. Wei, J.H. Yang, Z.Q. Liu, J.X. Zhou, F. Xu, M. Zrínyi, Y. Osada, Y.M. Chen#, Novel biocompatible polysaccharide-based self-healing hydrogel, Advanced Functional Materials, 2015, 25(9), 1352-1359 Full Text 

110.  Y.F. Ma, Q. Feng, A crucial process: organic matrix and magnesium ion control of amorphous calcium carbonate crystallization on β-chitin film[J]. CrystEngComm, 2015, 17(1): 32-39. Full Text 

109.  M.L. You*, J.J. Zhong*, Y. Hong, M. Lin#, F. Xu#, Inkjet printing upconversion nanoparticles for anti-counterfeit applications, Nanoscale, 2015, 7, 4423-4431 (Journal Cover) Full Text 

108.  M.X. Wang, C.H. Yang, Z.Q. Liu, J.X. Zhou, F. Xu, Z.G. Suo, J.H. Yang, Y.M. Chen, Tough photoluminescent hydrogels doped with lanthanide, Macromolecular Rapid Communications, 2015, 36(5):465-71 Full Text 

107.  H. Qi*, G.Y. Huang, Y.L. Han, X.H. Zhang, B. Pingguan-Murphy, T.J. Lu, F. Xu, L. Wang*, Engineering artificial machines from designable DNA materials for biomedical applications, Tissue Engineering Part B, 2015, 21(3), 288-297 (Journal Back CoverFull Text 

106.  B. Gao*, L. Wang*, S. Han, X.H. Zhang#, F. Xu#, Engineering of microscale three-dimensional pancreatic islet models in vitro and their biomedical applications, Critical Reviews in Biotechnology, 2015 Full Text 

105.  J.R. Choi, B. Pingguan-Murphy, W.A.B. Wan Abas, M.A.N. Azmi, S.Z.Omar, K.H. Chua, F. Xu, W.K.Z. Wan Safwani, In situ normoxia enhances survival and proliferation rate of human adipose tissue-derived stromal cells without increasing the risk of tumourigenesis, PLoS ONE, 2015 Full Text 

104.  S.B. Liu#, P.F. Wang#, G.Y. Huang, L. Wang, J.X. Zhou, T.J. Lu, F. Xu, M. Lin*, Reaction-induced swelling of ionic gels, Soft Matter, 2015, 11, 449-455 (Journal Back Cover) Full Text 

103.  X.Y. Xu, A. Akay, S.Q. Wang, H.L. Wei, S.S. Feng, B. Pingguan-Murphy, B.E. Erlandsson, F. Xu, J. Hu, L. Wang, Advances in Smartphone-Based Point-of-Care Diagnostics, Procedding of the IEEE, 2015, 103(2), 236-247    Full Text 

102.  Z. Liu#, J. Hu#, Y.M. Zhao, Z.G. Qu*, F. Xu*, Experimental and numerical studies on liquid wicking into filter papers for paper-based diagnostics, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2015, 88(5), 280-287    Full Text 

101.  L. Wang#, Y.H. Li#, G.Y. Huang, X.H. Zhang, B.P. Murphy, T.J. Lu, F. Xu*, Hydrogel based methods for engineering cellular microenvironment with spatiotemporal gradients, Critical Reviews in Biotechnology, 2015  Full Text 

100.  刘灏,黄国友#,李昱辉,张晓慧,卢天健,徐峰#,基于水凝胶的“自下而上”组织工程技术研究进展,中国科学-生命科学,2015, 45(3), 256-270    Full Text 

99.  Z.Y. Luo, L. He, F. Xu, B.F. Bai, Three-dimensional numerical simulation of vesicle dynamics in microscale shear flows, Journal of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 2015, 15(4), 3081-3086    Full Text 

98.  A.L. Feng, M.L. You, L.M. Tian, S. Singamaneni, M. Liu, Z.F. Duan, T.J. Lu, F. Xu, M. Lin#, Distance-dependent plasmon-enhanced fluorescence of upconversion nanoparticles using polyelectrolyte multilayers as tunable spacers, Scientific Reports, 2015, 7779 (ESI Highly Cited)    Full Text