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2014 Journal Papers

2017/02/26 20:57:16   点击:


97.  王鹏飞,赵兴红,林敏,卢天健#,徐峰#,自振荡凝胶的力-化耦合行为调控及其应用研究,力学进展,2014, 1, 418-446 Full Text 

96.  X.C. He*, M. Lin*, F. Li, B.Y. Sha, F. Xu, Z.G. Qu#, L. Wang#, Advances in studies on nanoparticle-biomembrane interactions, Nanomedicine, 2014, 10(1), 121-141 Full Text 

95.  Z. Wei, J.H. Yang, J.X. Zhou, F. Xu, M. Zrinyi, P.H. Dussault, Y. Osadaf, Y.M. Chen, Self-healing gels based on constitutional dynamic chemistry and their potential applications, Chemical Society Reviews, 2014, 43, 8114-8131 (ESI Highly Cited) Full Text 

94.  Z.Y. Luo, L. He, S.Q. Wang, S. Tasoglu, F. Xu, U. Demirci, B.F. Bai, Two-dimensional numerical study of flow dynamics of a nucleated cell tethered under shear flow, Chemical Engineering Science, 2014, 119, 236-244 Full Text 

93.  L.H. Zhou, R.A.Weizbauer, S. Singamaneni, F. Xu, G.M. Genin, B.G. Pickard, Structures formed by a cell-membrane associated arabinogalactan-protein on graphite or mica alone and with Yariv phenylglycosides, Annals of Botany, 2014, 114(6), 1385-1397 Full Text 

92.  Q. Zhang, F. Chen, F. Xu, Y.X. Zhao, C.H. Fan, Target-triggered three-way junction structure and polymerase/nicking enzyme synergetic isothermal quadratic DNA machine for highly specific, one-step and rapid MicroRNA detection at attomolar level, Analytical Chemistry, 2014, 86(16), 8098-8105 Full Text 

91.  J.S. Liu#, D. Zhang, B.Y. Sha, P.H. Yin, Z. Xu, C. Liu, L.D. Wang, F. Xu, Lin Wang#, Fabrication of a three-layer SU-8 mould with inverted T-shaped cavities based on a sacrificial photoresist layer technique, Biomedical Microdevices, 2014, 16, 655-660 Full Text 

90.  Y.L. Han, J. Hu, G.M. Genin, T.J. Lu#, F. Xu#, Direct writing of functional materials at the point of care, Scientific Reports, 2014, 4, 4872, DOI: 10.1038/srep04872 Full Text 

89.  杜晓静,徐峰,李菲#,陈咏梅#,扫描电化学显微镜在水凝胶微孔阵列表征中的新应用,中国科学,2014, 44(11), 1814-1822 Full Text 

88.  W. Liu, Y.Q. Li, S.Y. Feng, J. Ning, H.J. Chen, F. Xu, Y. Du, Magnetically controllable 3D microtissues based on magnetic microcryogels, Lab on a Chip, 2014, 14(15), 2614-2625 Full Text 

87.  Y.L. Han, S.Q. Wang, X.H. Zhang, Y.H. Li, G.Y. Huang, H. Qi, B.P. Murphy, Y. Li, T.J. Lu#, F. Xu#, Engineering physical microenvironment for stem cell based regenerative medicine, Drug Discovery Today, 2014, 19(6), 763-773 Full Text 

86.  M. Lin, Y. Zhao, M. Liu, M.S. Qiu, Y.Q. Dong, Z.F. Duan, T.J. Lu#, F. Xu#, Synthesis of upconversion NaYF4:Yb3+,Er3+ particles with enhanced luminescent intensity through control of morphology and phase, Journal of Materials Chemistry C, 2014, 2, 3671-3676 (Journal Cover) Full Text 

85.  M. Lin, G.M. Genin, F. Xu#, T.J. Lu#, Thermal pain in teeth: electrophysiology governed by thermomechanics, Applied Mechanics Review, 2014, 66, 030801 Full Text 

84.  H. Qi#, G.Y. Huang, Y.L. Han, L. Wang#, S.Q. Wang, T.J. Lu, F. Xu, In vitro spatial organization of differentiation in individual multicellular stem cell aggregates, Critical Reviews in Biotechnology, 2014, doi:10.3109/07388551.2014.922917 Full Text 

83.  J. Hu, S.Q. Wang, L. Wang, F. Li, B. Pingguan-Murphye, T.J. Lu#, F. Xu#, Advances in paper-based point-of-care diagnostics, Biosensors and Bioelectronics, 2014, 54, 585–597 (ESI Highly Cited; 2014年中国百篇最具影响国际学术论文) Full Text 

82.  裘慕书,林敏,赵英,董宇卿,卢天健#,徐峰#,网络凝胶模板法可控制备NaYF4:Yb3+,Er3+稀土上转换纳米颗粒,无机材料学报 (Journal of Inorganic Materials), 2014, 29(5), 545-549 Full Text 

81.  X.C. He, Z.G. Qu, F. Xu, M. Lin, J.L. Wang, X.H. Shi, T.J. Lu, Molecular analysis of dendrimer-asymmetric membrane interactions at different transport stages, Soft Matter, 2014, 10, 139-148 Full Text 

80.  王琳,胡杰,李菲,隗慧林,李英,卢天健,王书崎#,徐峰#,智能手机在现代医学应用中的最新进展,生物医学工程,2014, 1, 222-227 Full Text 

79.  Y.H. Li, G.Y. Huang, X.H. Zhang, L. Wang, Y.N. Du, T.J. Lu, F. Xu#, Engineering cell alignment in vitro, Biotechnology Advances, 2014, 32(2), 347-365 Full Text