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2017/02/21 11:10:46   点击:

81   张健,赵桂平,卢天健,闭孔泡沫铝应变率效应的实验和有限元分析,《西安交通大学学报》,44(5): 97-101, 2010


80   倪长也,金 峰,卢天健,李裕春,“3种点阵金属三明治板的抗侵彻性能模拟分析,《力学学报》,42(6): 1125-1137, 2010


79   Jeon, I., Asahina, T., Kang, K.-J., Im, S. & Lu, T.J., “Finite element simulation of the plastic collapse of closed-cell aluminum foams with X-ray computed tomography”, Mech. Mater. 42(3), 227-236, 2010.


78   Wang, F., Huang, P. & Lu, T.J., “Surface-effect territory in small volume creep deformation”, J. Mater. Res. 24(11), 3277-3285, 2010.


77   Huang, P., Wang, F., Xu, M., Xu, K.W. & Lu, T.J., “The dependence of strain rate sensitivity upon deformed-microstructures in nanocrystalline Cu”, Acta Mater. 58(15), 5196-5205, 2010.


76   张钱诚,韩云杰,卢天健,超轻X型点阵芯体金属夹层板的剪切疲劳机制,《西安交通大学学报》,201044(11): 61-65


75   Qian, Z.H., Jin, F., Lu, T.J., Kishmoto, K. & Hirose, S., “Effect of initial stress on Love waves in a piezoelectric structure carrying a functionally graded material layer”, Ultrasonics 50(1), 84-90, 2010.


74   Xu, W., Lu, T.J. & Wang, F., “Effects of interfacial properties on the ductility of polymer-supported metal films for flexible electronics”, Int. J. Solids Struc. 47, 1830-1837, 2010.


73   Yang, J.S., Xu, W., Wang, F. & Lu, T.J., “Ductility of copper films on sandblasting polyimide substrates”, Sci. in China E, 53(8), 2215-2221, 2010.


72   Zhang, D., Chen, Z.M., Xu, M. & Lu, T.J., “Quantitative NDE of welding defects in lattice sandwich metallic plate by using DC potential drop method”, Int. J. Appl. Electromagn. Mech. 33(3-4), 1109-1117, 2010. 


71   Feng, B., Xu, M., Zhang, Z.J., Lu, T.J. & Chen, Z.M., “Design and calibration of a new biaxial extensometer for radial deformation measurement under hydro-compression loading”, Int. J. Appl. Electromagn. Mech. 33(3-4), 1441-1448, 2010. 


70   Feng, B., Xu, M., Zhao, T.F., Zhang, Z.J. & Lu, T.J., “Triaxial extensometer for volumetric strain measurement in a hydrocompression loading test for foam materials”, Measurement Science and Technology 21(11), 115705, 2010. 


69   刘桂武,杨刚宾,乔冠军,王红洁,王继平,卢天健,氧化锆陶瓷润湿及钎焊的研究进展,《稀有金属材料与工程》,200938(增刊1): 406-410(SCI indexed) Liu Guiwu , Yang Gangbing, Qiao Guanjun, Wang Hongjie, Wang Jiping & Lu, T.J., “Research progress on brazing and wetting of zirconia ceramic”, Rare Metal Materials and Engineering  38(1), 406-410, 2010.


68   Liu, G.W., Li, J., Qiao, G.J., Xu, S.J., Wang, H.J. & Lu, T.J., “Hierarchical macroporous carbon processed with ethylene glycol and starch as double porogens”, Mater. Lett. 64, 2696-2699, 2010. 


67   Lu, T.J. & Zhang, Q.C., “Novel strengthening methods for ultralightweight sandwich structures with periodic lattice cores” (Invited contribution), Science in China: E – Tech Sci 53(3), 875-877, 2010.


66   张钱诚,卢天健,闻婷,轻质高强点阵金属材料的制备及其力学性能强化的研究进展,《力学进展》,40(2): 157-169, 2010


65   刘桂武,乔冠军,卢天健,Valenza FMuolo MLPasserone A“Ni-56Si合金对SiC陶瓷的润湿和铺展,《硅酸盐学报》,2010, 38(8): 1509-1513


64   O. Vipat, X.G. Tian, T. Kim, T.J. Lu & A.M. Pradeep, “Thermal stress induced by an impinging cooling/heating jet on a flat plate with inclination”, AIAA J. Thermophysics and Heat Transfer 24(1), 218-222, 2010.


63   Xu, J.Y., Lu, T.J., Hodson, H.P. & Fleck, N.A., “Analysis of thermal dispersion in an array of parallel plates with fully-developed laminar flow”, Int J. Heat Fluid Flow 31(1), 57-69, 2010.


62   Zhang, B., Kim, T. & Lu, T.J., “Solidification in a continuous medium with periodically distributed two-dimensional circular pores,” AIAA J. Thermophysics and Heat Transfer 24(2), 348-354, 2010.


61   Yang, H.Q., Kim, T., Lu, T.J. & Ichimiya, K., “Flow structure, wall pressure and heat transfer characteristics of impinging annular jet with/without steady swirling”, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 53, 4092-4100, 2010.


60   Feng, S.S, Kim, T. & Lu, T.J., “A semi-empirical heat transfer model for forced convection in pin-fin heat sinks subjected to non-uniform heating”, ASME J. Heat Transfer 132(12), 121702, 2010. (Top 10 downloaded, 2010)


59   邝九杰,隋 丹,金东范,卢天健,徐明龙,轴流风扇冲击射流下泡沫铝热沉的换热特性,《西安交通大学学报》,201044(3): 6-10.


58   高怀斌,屈治国,杜艳平,赵长颖,陶文铨,卢天健,“辐射模型和弥散效应对多孔介质内燃烧影响的数值模拟,《工程热物理学报》,31(2): 321-323, 2010。(GAO Huai-Bin, QU Zhi-Guo, DU Yan-Ping, ZHAO Chang-Ying, TAO Wen-Quan, LU Tian-Jian, “Numerical study of radiation model and diffusion effects on combustion in porous media”, Eng. Thermophys., 31(2): 321-323, 2010.


57   Xin, F.X, Lu, T.J. & Chen, C., “Sound transmission through simply supported finite double-panel partitions with enclosed air cavity”, ASME J. Vib. Acous. 132(1), 011008, 2010.


56   Xin, F.X & Lu, T.J., "Analytical modeling of fluid loaded orthogonally rib-stiffened sandwich structures: Sound transmission," J. Mech. Phys. Solids 58, 1374-1396, 2010. 


55   Xin, F.X & Lu, T.J., "Analytical modeling of sound transmission from simply supported rectangular panel in convected fluids”, J. Acous. Soc. Am. 128(3), 1087-1107, 2010.


54   376. Xin, F.X & Lu, T.J., "Sound radiation of orthogonally rib-stiffened sandwich structures with cavity absorption”, Compos. Sci. Tech. 70(15), 2198-2206, 2010.


53   高国钦,马守林,金峰,金东范,卢天健,声波在二维固/流声子晶体中的禁带特性研究,《物理学报》,59(1), 393-400, 2010。(Gao, G.Q., Ma, S.L., Jin, F., Kim, T. & Lu, T.J., “Acoustic band gaps in finite-sized two-dimensional solid/fluid phononic crystals”, Acta Physica Sinica 59(1), 393-400, 2010


52   辛锋先,张钱城,卢天健,轻质三明治材料及结构的振动和声学性能研究进展(特邀稿件),《力学进展》,40(4): 375-399, 2010


51   Xin, F.X & Lu, T.J., "Effects of core topology on sound insulation performance of lightweight all-metallic sandwich panels," Materials and Manufacturing Process (special issue "Multi-functional Materials"), 2014, doi: 10.1080/10426914.2010.531241.


50   田晓耕,卢天健,郑占君,属性与温度相关材料的广义热弹性问题,《力学学报》,2009412):185-191


49 尚艳军,卢天健,陈常青,球形闭孔泡沫金属材料力学行为研究,《固体力学学报》,200930(4):1-8


48   Zhao KJ, Chen C, Shen YP, Lu TJ. Molecular dynamics study of nano-void growth in face-centered cubic single crystal copper. Computational Materials Science 46, 749-754, 2009.


47   黄桥平,赵桂平,卢天健,考虑应变率效应的复合材料层合板冲击动态响应,《西安交通大学学报》,43(1): 72-76, 2009


46   李斌潮,张钱诚,卢天健,基于实验模态分析的点阵夹层结构动态性能预测,《固体力学学报》,29(4): 373-378, 2009


45   范志庚,陈常青,卢天健,低密度开孔泡沫材料蠕变特性分析,《固体力学学报》,30(6): 558-564, 2009


44   田培培,赵桂平,卢天健,具有填充材料的金属格栅夹层板在高速冲击下的动态响应,《应用力学学报》,26(4)788-7922009


43 倪长也,金峰,卢天健,超轻多孔材料三明治板抗侵彻性能分析,《兵工学报》,30(s2): 94-97, 2009.


42   李斌潮,赵桂平,卢天健,冲击条件下多孔金属材料的能量守恒模型”, 《兵工学报》,30(s2): 38-41, 2009.


41   Qian, Z.H., Jin, F., Lu, T.J. & Kishmoto, K., “Transverse surface waves in a functionally graded piezoelectric substrate coated with a finite-thickness metal waveguide layer”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 94(3), 2009, 019903.


40   Qian, Z.H., Jin, F., Lu, T.J. & Kishmoto, K., “Transverse surface waves in a 6mm piezoelectric material carrying a prestressed metal layer of finite-thickness”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 94(9), 2009, 093513.


39   Qian, Z.H., Jin, F., Hirose, S. & Lu, T.J., “Effects of material gradient on transverse surface waves in piezoelectric coupled solid media”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 95(7), 2009, 073501.


38   Qian, Z.H., Jin, F., Lu, T.J. & Kishmoto, K., “Transverse surface waves in a layered structure with a functionally graded piezoelectric substrate and a hard dielectric layer”, Ultrasonics 49(3), 293-297, 2009.


37   Qian, Z.H., Jin, F., Kishmoto, K. & Lu, T.J. , “Propagation behavior of Love waves in a functionally graded half-space with initial stress”, Int. J. Solids Struc. 46 (6), 1354-1361, 2009.


36   Zhang, D., Chen, Z.M., Xu, M. & Lu, T.J., “Quantitative NDE of cellular metallic material and structures by using eddy current testing technique”, Int. J. Appl. Electromagn. Mech. 30(1-2), 29-38, 2009. 


35   Cao, X.S., Jin, F., Wang, Z.K. & Lu, T.J., “Bleustein-Gulyaev waves in a functionally graded piezoelectric material (FGPM) layered structure”, Sci. in China G 52(4), 613-625, 2009.


34   Qian, Z.H., Jin, F., Lu, T.J. & Kishimoto, K., “Transverse surface waves in an FGM layered structure”, Acta Mechanica 207(3-4), 183-193, 2009.


33   Qian, Z.H., Jin, F., Lu, T.J. & S. Hirose, “Transverse surface waves in a piezoelectric material carrying a gradient metal layer of finite thickness”,”, Int. J. Eng. Sci., 47(10), 1049-1054, 2009.


32   Cao, X. S, Jin, F., Jeon, I. & Lu, T.J., “Propagation of Love waves in a functionally graded piezoelectric material (FGPM) layered composite system”, Int. J. Solids Struc. 46(22-23), 4123-4132, 2009.


31   卢天健, 符良, “轻便电源的选择方法,《力学与实践》,31(1): 8-15, 2009.


30   191. 曹小杉,金峰,王子昆,卢天健,功能梯度压电层状结构中的B-G,《中国科学G辑》,39(1), 17-27, 2009


29   Zhang, B., Kim, T. & Lu, T.J., “Analytical solution for solidification in close-celled metal foams”, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer 52, 133-141, 2009.


28   Zhang, B., Kim, T. & Lu, T.J., “The solidification of two-phase heterogeneous materials: theory versus experiment”, Science in China: E – Tech Sci 52(6): 1688-1697, 2009. 


27   Liu, G.W., Li, W., Qiao, G.J., Wang, H.J., Yang, J.F. & Lu, T.J., “Microstructures and interfacial behavior of zirconia/stainless steel joint prepared by pressureless active brazing”, J Alloys Compounds 470 (1-2), 163-167, 2009. 


26   Xu, S.J., Qiao, G.J., Wang, H.J., Li, D.C. & Lu, T.J., “Microstructure evolution and reaction mechanism of microporous carbon derived SiC ceramic”, J. Inorganic Mater. 24(2), 291-296, 2009.


25   Zhang, Q.C., Han, Y.J., Chen, C.Q. & Lu, T.J., “Ultralight X-type lattice sandwich structure (I): Concept, fabrication and experimental characterization” (Invited contribution), Science in China: E – Tech Sci 52(8), 2147-2154, 2009.


24   Zhang, Q.C., Chen, A.P., Chen, C.Q. & Lu, T.J., “Ultralight X-type lattice sandwich structure (II): Micromechanics modeling and finite element analysis” (Invited contribution), Science in China: E – Tech Sci, 52(9), 2670-2680, 2009.


23   Xu, S.J., Li, J., Qiao, G.J., Wang, H.J. & Lu, T.J., “Pore structure control of mesoporous carbon monoliths derived from mixtures of phenolic resin and ethylene glycol”, Carbon 47(8), 2103-2111, 2009.


22   Xu, S.J., Qiao, G.J., Li, D.C., Yang, H., Liu Y.N. & & Lu, T.J., “Reaction forming of silicon carbide ceramic using phenolic resin derived porous carbon preform”, Journal of the European Ceramic Society 29(11), 2395-2402, 2009.


21   Lu, T.J. & Zhang, Q.C., “Development of lightweight high-performance metals through interdisciplinary efforts” (Invited contribution), Chinese Science Bulletin, 54(20), 3844-3846, 2009.


20   Liu, G.W., Qiao, G.J., Wang, H.J., Yang, J.F. & Lu, T.J., “Microstructure and strength of zirconia/stainless steel joints prepared by pressureless active brazing”, Journal of Ceramic Processing Research 10(4), 567-570, 2009. 


19   Kammis, S., Gu, S., Lu, T.J. & C. Chen, “Numerical modeling of the bonding mechanism of HVOF sprayed particles”, Comput. Mater. Sci. 46(4), 1038-1043, 2009.


18   张斌,金东范,卢天健,非均质材料凝固过程分析: 理论和实验,《中国科学》E辑(技术科学),39(2): 206-213, 2009


17   徐顺建,乔冠军,王红洁,李涤尘,卢天健,微孔碳陶瓷化反应机理的研究,《无机材料学报》, 242):291-2962009


16   张钱城,韩云杰,陈常青,卢天健,“X型点阵结构芯体(I)- 概念的提出、材料制备及实验,《中国科学》E辑(技术科学),39(6), 1039-1046, 2009


15   张钱城,陈爱萍,陈常青,卢天健,“X型点阵结构芯体(II)- 细观力学建模与结构分析,《中国科学》E辑(技术科学),39(7), 1216-1227, 2009


14   刘伟,卢天健,杨冠军,王飞,卢亚峰,毛小南,杜宇,奚正平, “CT20钛合金管材的冷轧工艺及组织性能的研究 ,” 《钛工业进展》,2009, 26(6): 19-22


13   刘桂武,杨刚宾,乔冠军,王红洁,王继平,卢天健,氧化锆陶瓷润湿及钎焊的研究进展,《稀有金属材料与工程》,200938(增刊1): 406-410(SCI indexed) Liu Guiwu , Yang Gangbing, Qiao Guanjun, Wang Hongjie, Wang Jiping & Lu, T.J., “Research progress on brazing and wetting of zirconia ceramic”, Rare Metal Materials and Engineering  38(1), 406-410, 2010.


12   Xu, F., Wen, T. & Lu, T.J., “Two-dimensional cellular metals as multifunctional structures: topology optimization”, Heat and Mass Transfer 45, 2009, 485-501


11   Sui, D., Kim, T., M.L. Xu & Lu, T.J., “Novel hub fins of an axial flow fan for impinging heat transfer enhancement from a flat plate”, ASME J. Heat Transfer 131(7), 2009, 074502 (Top 10 downloaded papers in May 2009).


10   Sui, D., Kim, T., Wang, S.S., Mao, J.R. & Lu, T.J., “Exit flow behavior of axial fan flows with/without impingement”, ASME J Fluids Engineering 131(6), paper 061103, 2009. 


9     Vipat, O., Feng, S.S., Kim, T., Pradeep, A.M. & Lu, T.J., “Asymmetric entrainment effect on the local surface temperature of a flat plate heated by an obliquely impinging 2-dimensional jet”, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 52, 2009, 5250-5257.


8     屈治国,徐治国,陶文铨,卢天健,通孔金属泡沫中的空气自然对流传热实验研究,《西安交通大学学报》,200943(1): 1-4.


7     徐治国,屈治国,李定国,赵长颖,陶文铨,卢天健,王美琴,通孔金属泡沫的池沸腾实验研究,《工程热物理学报》,200930(10): 1713-1716


6     Xin, F.X & Lu, T.J., “Analytical and experimental investigation on transmission loss of clamped double panels: Implication of boundary effects”, J. Acous. Soc. Am. 125 (3), 1506-1517, 2009.


5     卢天健,高国钦,马守林,金峰,金东范,二维四方排列半圆铝管/空气声子晶体的禁带特性,《中国科学E辑》,39(1), 57-64, 2009


4     Lu, T.J., Gao, G.Q., Ma, S.L., Jin, F. & Kim, T., “Acoustic band gaps in two-dimensional square arrays of semi-hollow circular cylinders”, Science in China: E – Tech Sci 52(2): 303-312, 2009.


3     Xin, F.X, Lu, T.J. & Chen, C., “Sound transmission across lightweight all-metallic sandwich panels with corrugated cores”, Chinese J. Acous. 28 (3), 231-243, 2009.


2     Xin, F.X, Lu, T.J. & Chen, C., “External mean flow influence on noise transmission through double-leaf aeroelastic plates”, AIAA J. 47(8), 1939-1951, 2009.


1     Xin, F.X, Lu, T.J. & Chen, C., “Dynamic response and acoustic radiation of double-leaf aluminum panel partition under sound excitation”, Comput. Mater. Sci. 46, 728-732, 2009.