2018年6月27日上午,应实验室徐峰教授邀请,乔治.华盛顿大学Dr. Lijie Grace Zhang来访,并在生命学院作了题为“Advanced 3D/4D Bioprinting and Nanomaterials for Complex Tissue Regeneration”的学术报告。报告在生命学院308会议室举行,实验室下设仿生工程与生物力学中心的师生聆听了报告。

报告中,Dr. Zhang首先讲述了组织与器官修复的传统治疗法并指出该领域的种种挑战;随后详细介绍了其研究团队通过3D技术构建血管支架、心肌贴片与神经支架,涉及到多聚材料、纳米材料等选择;其次,明确4D打印即以3D打印为基础并加入时间轴的概念后,Dr. Zhang展示了不同的4D打印智能材料随时间产生形状改变,并阐述了其潜在应用;报告的最后,Dr. Zhang与实验室师生进行了热情互动,细致耐心地回答了多个问题,参加报告的师生均受益匪浅。
Dr. Grace Zhang is is an associate professor in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at the George Washington University.She obtained her Ph.D. in Biomedical Engineering at Brown University. Dr. Zhang joined GW after finishing her postdoctoral training at Rice University and Harvard Medical School. She is the director of the Bioengineering Laboratory for Nanomedicine and Tissue Engineering at GW. She has received the ASME SiaNemat-Nasser Early Career Award, NIH Director’s New Innovator Award, Young Innovator in Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering, John Haddad Young Investigator Award by American Society for Bone and Mineral Research, and Early Career Award from the International Journal of Nanomedicine, etc. Her research interests include 3D/4D bioprinting, nanobiomaterials, complex tissue engineering and breast cancer bone metastasis.