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Yanan Du

更新:2015/12/16 00:00:00点击:

Yanan Du

He joined the Department of Biomedical Engineering, School of Medicine, at Tsinghua University, in fall 2010, as principle investigator. Dr. Du received his B.Eng. degree in Chemical Engineering from Tsinghua University in 2002 and Ph.D. in Bioengineering from National University of Singapore in 2007.  From 2007-2010, Dr. Du completed his postdoctoral training at Harvard-MIT Division of Health Science and Technology, MIT and Brigham &Women's hospital, Harvard Medical School. His research interests include 1) Biomaterials; Cell/Tissue engineering and therapy; 2) Nano/microscale technologies for bio-sensing, diagnostic and drug screening; and 3) Bio-mimetic in vitro physio/pathological model;  Dr. Du has published over 20 peer reviewed journal papers, 8 book chapters, 8 patent/disclosure applications.  His first-author or corresponding author papers have been published in journals such as PNAS, Advanced Materials, Biomaterials and Lab on a chip and highlighted in numerous public news media, such as Nature, Scientific America and Technology Review Magazine. 


Department of Biomedical Engineering, School of Medicine, Tsinghua University,Beijing, 100084, China     

Phone:  +86-10-62781691

Fax:   +86-10-62773380


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