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Frédérique Vanholsbeeck

更新:2015/12/16 00:00:00点击:
Frédérique Vanholsbeeck



FACULTY: Faculty of Science

Visited time: 2014. 10-11


2003   PhD thesis in Physics, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels (Belgium).

2001   MSc in Physics, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels (Belgium).

1999   Agrégation de l'enseignement supérieur, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Bruxelles (Belgium). With honours (equivalent in New Zealand to Graduate diploma Teaching – Secondary).

1999   BSc in Physics, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Brussels (Belgium). With first class honours.

1995   Two year degree in architecture, Institut Supérieur d'Architecture Victor Horta, Brussels (Belgium).


Since 2005       University of Auckland – Lecturer; Senior Lecturer since 2009

2003–2005      University of Auckland – Post-doctoral Research Fellow


2013   Ideas Challenge Winner of the SPARK competition

2003 IEEE/LEOS Japan Chapter Young Scientist Award, received at the Optical Amplifiers and Their Applications'2003 topical meeting (July 2003, Otaru, Japan).

2000 Award of the Belgian Physical Society for the best Master thesis in experimental physics.


2012, 2015          Member of the steering committee for the Asia-Pacific Optical Sensors Conference

2014                                   Panel member for the Dumont d’Urville New Zealand-France Science & Technology Support Programme

Since 2014           Creation of a “women in physics” group to encourage women to pursue career in science

Since 2014           Member of the advisory committee for the PhD in medical imaging

Since 2014           Stage 3 adviser for the Physics Department.

Since 2012           Reviewer for Research Grants Council, Hong Kong, China

2011–2012         Physics Programme Leader for the Science academic committee, deputy since 2013.

2011                                   Participation to the tour organised around the country by UoA to recruit PG students

2011–2012         Head of the teaching committee for the Physics Department

2010–2011 and 2014–2015    Elected sub-professorial member of the University Senate

Since 2009           Reviewer for A-Star, Singapore

2009–2010         Tuakana coordinator for the Physics Department.

2010–2012         EEO representative for physics since 2010

2008–2012         Member of the implementation team of the Women returning to Work project (combining parenting and a career since 2011).

2005–2013         Women in Science and Engineering (WISE) support and contact person for the Physics Department. Organisation of the Girl Into Science as well as Futures events.

Since 2006           Member of the Student Staff Consultation Committee (SSCC).

2006–2012         Judge and mentor for the New Zealand qualification of the Young Physicist Tournament

Since 2005           Judge for the NIWA science fair. Organisation of a sponsorship.

Lifetime member of the Optical Society of America (OSA)

Peer-reviewer for several scientific journals from the Optical Society of America, IEEE, Elsevier Science, and Molecular Diversity Preservation International.