Fei Li

Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry, School of Sciences, Xi’an Jiaotong University.
Dr Fei Li obtained her BSc in Chemistry at Northwest University in 2001 and MS degree in Electroanalytical Chemistry at Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry of Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2004. After receiving the full scholarship of “Dorothy Hodgkin Postgraduate Awards” and “Oversea Student Scholorship (ORS)” from the British government, she went to the United Kingdom for her doctorate study and got her Ph.D degree in Electrochemistry at the University of Warwick in 2008. Then she worked as a post-doctor in Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne (EPFL) in Switzerland and Temple University in U.S.A., respectively. She joined in the department of Chemistry at the School of Sciences and BEBC of Xi’an Jiaotong University from 2011 till now.
Dr Fei Li has more than 11 years research experience in electroanalytical field and her main research field is to study various interfacial reactions, including spectro-electrochemical processes, nano-materials catalysis and biological system electrochemical reactions, using electrochemical methods and micro/nano-fabrication techniques. One of her present main researches is to fabricate and evaluate soft materials by new electrochemical techniques with high-resolution microscopy and nanoscopic probes. She has published more than 20 papers in international leading journals, such as Angew Chem Int Ed、 J Am Chem Soc、Adv Funct Mater、Electrochem Commun etc. And she has received several research funds from government and university, including one fund from the “National Science Fund for Distinguished Yong Scholars”, one fund from the “Science and Technology Planning Project of Shannxi Province” and three funds from “the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities”.
Research interest: Bio-electrochemistry
UniversityEmail: feili@mail.xjtu.edu.cn